| Absolutely Archives
What we do Absolutely Archives deals in high quality, cost-effective images, specializing in PUBLIC DOMAIN film and photos held by the U.S. government. Our staff of veteran researchers-- some of whom left the government to work with us-- have years of hands-on experience with these collections and can quickly get you the material you need for your project at amazingly low rates. We have collaborated with creative teams worldwide, contributing to documentary and feature films, stage productions, television, books and advertising. We also maintain PUBLIC DOMAIN material of popular subjects in an image library for your convenience and have recently launched our much-anticipated Decades Collection. Now you can have a library of important historical images at one affordable price. How affordable? Extremely affordable!!! Screeners are FREE (limited time) and 1-hour masters of each Decade are available starting at $375 on minidv. While private stock houses charge exorbitant rates per second, we provide hours of quality footage at a fraction of the cost. Email a "shot list" to receive a free quote with absolutely no obligations. You may purchase The Decades Collection online.
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