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Decades Collection



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Film Library



Absolutely Archives
P.0. Box  922, Greenbelt, Maryland 20768 
 Phone 703 967 3070    
Email info@absolutelyarchives.com


Decades Collection: 1930s to 1960s

Screeners are FREE (limited time). 1-hour masters of each Decade are available starting at $375 on minidv (other formats). Purchase four masters and receive the fifth free! Five hours of excellent historical images for $1500. Use the images as often as you like with no restriction or licensing fees. Need a tape for a specialized topic? Email a "shot list" to get you what you need.  To view our samples you need the Windows Media Player.


                    1930s preview   


                    1940s preview   


                    1950s preview   


                 1960s V1 preview


                 1960s V2 preview



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